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All In

Animated by Joy Lim & Juju Nam

Dancer: Miguel Miranda

Poet by Calvin Dawkins

A collaboration project hold by ARTS By The People with Saint Elizabeth University, Maryland institute College of Art and Montclair State University. Inspired by the poem, All In, written by Calvin Dawkins. The poem expresses the thoughts and consolation towards the anxiety and stress during the pandemic, reminding people that someone will always be there for you. By collaborating between each artist, we worked together beautifully and joyfully as a strong team, producing a piece of work that combines animation, dance and poem that shows our audience a world with calm emo. tonal atmosphere. Through the process, working back and forth between each media, we tried to make each media speak for itself, balancing out it own voice through the short film. 


Responsible for: 2D animation, Epilogue Animation, Compositing, Editing

Software: Procreate, Adobe Premiere

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